I'll be leaving for the Bonneville Salt Flats on July 24th. You can view our previous trips at www.patandrogerstripdownunder.blogspot.com (Australia & New Zealand 2013), www.rogersalaskaadventure.blogspot.com (Alaska in 2010), www.bonnevillesaltflats2011.blogspot.com (Bonneville Salt Flats in 2011), and www.maritimeprovinces2012.blogspot.com (New England and Canadian Maritimes 2012). You can email comments to rogerwilliams623@gmail.com
Friday, July 24, 2015
Jamestown, NY to Columbus, OH
Pat and I had breakfast at Mindy's Place in Lakewood, one of our favorite places to eat. I left Jamestown around 9:45 or so and headed west through Erie to Ashtabula, Ohio, for the Ashtabula Maritime Museum. The museum was at the harbor on Lake Erie and had a pretty interesting collection of memorabilia on Great Lakes shipping in general and Ashtabula harbor in particular. At one time Ashtabula was a major shipping point, receiving iron ore and grain and shipping out coal and other commodities. The harbor area was pretty impressive as you can see from the pics below:
The large arch structure is a conveyor that moves coal from the stockpiles to the docks. Anyway, it was pretty impressive. Unfortunately, the museum didn't allow pictures to be taken (beats me why??), so I can't post any shots from inside the museum.
After taking in all that Ashtabula had to offer, I headed west and then south down OH44 to Canton and the Canton Classic Car Museum. It houses a collection of part of the 200 cars owned by a local businessman up to the 1960's and was pretty interesting. Some that caught my eye:
The car above is a 1903 "Curved Dash" Oldsmobile.
The car above is a 1937 Studebaker Police Car that is armored with bullet-proof glass and even has peepholes that the cops could shoot at the bad guys from.
Here are a couple more shots from the museum's collection:
And, finally, the one I liked the best. This is a 1962 AmphiCar. It could travel on land, and if the mood struck you, you could drive it right into the nearest stream and go fishing.
Pretty cool...I actually remember seeing one of these when I was a kid.
Anyway, so much for the Canton Car Museum. I headed on to the southwest and am in Columbus for the night. Tomorrow it's to the American Motorcycle Association museum in Pickerington, Ohio and then on to Dayton for the Air Force Museum and the Dayton Packard Museum. Weather's been great and, being that this is Ohio, the scenery has been "wholesome"!
Miles today: 335.