Friday, August 21, 2015

Casa Grande, AZ to Chandler, AZ to Eloy, AZ

Well, not much to report today.  I left Casa Grande first thing this morning and rode to the Harley dealer in Chandler, which is where I'd had work done on the ol' girl last week.  They spent the entire day replacing the fourth of four seals in the transmission, the one they, of course, didn't replace last week.  I read a newspaper, did the crosswords, read every magazine in sight, played Solitaire on my phone, and watched three Little League World Series games.  If you haven't watched any of these, they're on ESPN, and let me tell you, some of these teanms are GOOD.  The pitchers are throwing  balls in the 80-85 mph range, not that far off the speeds of the Major Leagues.

I finally got out of the dealership around 4:30.  I rode over to Patrick's and he and I had a very nice dinner at the Longhorn, and then I headed south of Phoenix about 40 miles to the little burg of Eloy for the night.  Since leaving Phoenix at 6:00 am yesterday morning, I am now a total of 40 miles from my starting point...

Anyway, tomorrow, if there are no more leaks from the transmission, I'm going down to Tombstone and then on to Las Cruces, NM for the night.  Here's hoping for no more problems!

Miles today:  97
Total:  5,907