Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Heard Museum in Phoenix

Pat and I left late this morning for downtown Phoenix (actually, very pretty and very active) and the Heard Museum.  The museum specializes in Native American Art and historical artifacts, and is very well presented.  Unfortunately, as I've seen happen from time to time, photos are not allowed inside the museum itself.  We did get some nice pictures outside, though:

This was a memorial to Native Americans who served in our military since before the Revolutionary War:

Interesting factoid:  During the 20th Century, Native American males served in the military at about three times the per-capita rate of the White population.

More pics from outside the museum:

We really enjoyed the museum.  There were guided tours available, and while we didn't take one because of time concerns, we could overhear the docents who were leading the tours and they sounded very well-versed in Native American history and culture and the museum's collection.

After our too-short visit to the Heard, we headed south to Sun Lake to visit one of Pat's cousins, George Tomley.  They have a very nice house in a gated community on a golf course, and their hospitality was first-rate.  Another enjoyable time with a part of Pat's extended family.

We rushed home and met Patrick for dinner, after which we drove out to the Weebly Mother Ship and got an impromptu tour of the Weebly Campus.  Doesn't look much like a box plant!

Very nice day today.  Pat is leaving at "Oh Dark Thirty" on Thursday morning, and I'll be right behind her on the bike, so our visit to Phoenix is winding to a close.  We've had a very  nice time here and have enjoyed spending time with our Son.